If you are ever asked what time it is in military time, you may be feeling a bit confused. Military time is a unique way of keeping track of the hours in a day, used primarily by the military and other emergency services that need to consistently keep track of hours on a 24-hour clock. Unlike regular 12-hour clocks, which start counting up at 1 AM and work up to 11 PM before starting again, military time adds an extra hour and starts counting at midnight with 0000 hours.
So, if someone mentions they need to be somewhere at 2230 military time, what does that mean in regular 12-hour clock terms?
Simply put, 2230 military time is equivalent to 10:30 PM regular time. It's helpful to remember that minutes are the same for both clocks - so when someone says 2230 military time, you can think '10:30 PM'. The same goes for other times too - 0000 is midnight and 1200 is noon on both clocks.
how do you read 2230 military time?
For many people, deciphering the military's use of time can be a tricky task. Military time is used in many different applications to ensure that everyone is on the same page. But how exactly do you read 2230 military time?
In military time, the day begins and ends at midnight which is written as "0000" hours. Instead of the standard 12-hour clock with a.m. and p.m., military time uses a 24-hour clock and only 4 digits. Anytime after noon has 2400 added to it, so 2230 military time is equal to 10:30 p.m.:
2230 hours = 10:30 p.m.
To simplify, you can subtract 1200 from the time dedicated 2400 in order to convert it from military to civilian time standard:
2230 – 1200 = 1030 (10:30 p.m.)
To understand how this works, let's break down the individual digits of 2230. The first two digits "22" represent the hour; in this case that would be the 22nd hour of the day, or 10 p.m.. The third digit "3" represents 0 minutes, because any digit followed by "00" automatically converts to 0 minutes (e.g., 1300 = 1p.m.). The fourth and last number "0" represents 0 seconds because all times end with 00 representing no seconds past the current minute (e.g., 1320 = 1:20p . m.). Thus making 2230 equal to 10:30p . m.. That simple!
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